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The Responsiveness of Spirit  [1]
by Ford Johnson [2] 

Responsiveness is one of the wonderful characteristics of spirit (the cosmic light substance) that explains its interaction with us to achieve our goals. We knowingly or unknowingly work with it every moment of our lives, for we are creators, here to master this eternal gift. Sometimes we are so presumptuous as to think we control this force. But this reflects how little we know of spirit’s ways. We do not control or create this force but we have the power to direct and activate it. This is what makes us creators. Failure to understand its ways leads to adverse outcomes that are an inexorable part of life until we learn the ways of this cosmic light force and how to direct it to knowingly create.

In this regard, we can see that most people do not realize that the cause of adverse consequences is themselves. Responsiveness is the quality of spirit that reflects back in life the thoughts, feelings, and images we place in it. We place a great deal of emphasis on action, as indeed we should, for we can see its consequences more clearly and more immediately. Yet, we seem to pay little attention to monitoring our thoughts, attitudes, and feelings, despite their importance in shaping our lives.

We can learn a great deal from sports, where there is an appreciation of monitoring what the athlete thinks. Successful athletes know that physical prowess is not the most important factor in victory. Success turns on the ability to control moods, feelings, and thoughts. We see this frequently in a contest when momentum has clearly swung to one side, which, in our terms, is the shift in thought and belief that manifests in the actions of players. Those with momentum on their side make Herculean efforts. Those who have lost it try hard, yet cannot do their best. Unless they change their thoughts and feelings, the game is over. A slip, a bobble, or great play is all it takes to change non-belief to belief. If these same athletes learn to better control thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, they will have the key to success.

This is precisely what great athletes have over others. They induce the desired state of consciousness when needed to maximize performance. This ability is not difficult to learn. It is not that we are born with it as much as we stumble into it. But it can be taught and will be presented in a later chapter.

If the true power of thought were understood, we would more vigorously control our exposure to gossip, negative persons, and distasteful media presentations. They would be avoided as we would any other unpleasantness. We are what we think, and our lives reflect the thoughts and beliefs we let predominate. “Reaping what you sow” is a popular expression that suggests our culture’s partial understanding of spirit’s responsive nature. This aphorism is usually associated with action, but action is preceded by thought. Hence, their importance must be realized too.

Every thought, word, and action, no matter how small, makes an impression on the cosmic light substance. Spirit hears every expression from every life form. It can be likened to sand on a beach that receives an impression, depending on the force of the object placed on it. Fortunately, not every thought, word, or action makes a sufficient impression on spirit to result in an out-picturing, or manifestation, in the physical realm. This is the safety valve installed at this level of existence (the physical plane) to prevent us from wreaking havoc on ourselves while learning the principle of mental discipline. This aspect of the law of attitudes protects the person who shouts in anger, “I wish you were dead!” Within a matter of minutes, he may have completely different thoughts and feelings. The one who holds this idea longer, and attaches feeling and visualization to it, may cause it to manifest in physical form and harm others. However, the spiritual price for this is severe. Soul eventually learns through the balancing aspect of spirit, the Law of Cause and Effect (reaping what you sow), that such powers are not to be treated as toys.

Prayer is also a means of calling upon the responsive nature of spirit. However, it often fails due to a misunderstanding of its nature. Most prayer proceeds from the assumption of a benevolent deity that responds to our entreaties or not, depending on our worthiness. This has some validity, at least in an oblique way. Yet, it misses the point that spirit’s responsiveness to our prayers has nothing to do with morality, as we normally use the term, and everything to do with the Law of Spirit. This holds that spirit is responsive to any idea or thought placed in it. Once placed there, the duration and intensity of focus and belief determine the extent and speed of spirit’s responsiveness. These subordinate laws will now be examined.

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[1] The term spirit is used in the context of this paper because of its familiarity with most readers. However a more precise term for spirit Cosmic Light Substance that fills the universe and transmutes via thought and feeling into the various forms we perceive and experience in the inner and outer universe. The interpersonal relationship that is put forth in the text is best view as the conscious spark of God, the “I AM” that dwells within each of us and utilizes this energy force to sustain life and provide for our needs.

[2] By Ford Johnson from Confessions of a God Seeker: A Journey to Higher Consciousness, [One Publishing Inc. Silver Spring, Maryland, 2003 ]