


The creation of a star or a galaxy, as with all cosmological structures and events, is delegated to and implemented by sentient beings that hold the immaculate concept and vision of that structure in consciousness. This process energizes units of cosmic light (known by earth science as dark matter and dark energy) and operates at ultra-high frequencies (unobservable by humanity). The resulting star or galaxy is thus created through celestial processes that astronomical observations have been able to describe.

The creative process that precedes the observable phase of this creation phenomena is known to and practiced by humanity and describes the process by which every invented object, theory, or event comes into existence on the physical plane. Thus, it fulfills the law of attraction whose starting point is thought energized by feeling and attracting the same cosmic energy (albeit functioning as lower frequencies) that builds the stars.

The illusion of humanity that all this “just happens on its own” with no conscious initiation by sentient beings, is contrary to observable and discernable facts with which we are all familiar.  From a star to a car, all creations fulfill the ancient Hermetic principle of creation: “As above so below: As below so above.” As science begins to see the limitations of the scientific method as applied to universal creative and operational processes, (not to mention inner higher frequency phenomena) it will be capable of perceiving the greatest of all astrological conundrums: what happened before the big bang!